札幌丸井今井 一条間5階 M’s room アイウェア
同世代のスタッフさんが核となり躍進していく姿に とても刺激を受けていました。
札幌丸井今井 一条間5階 M’s room アイウェアにて展開して頂いております。
The Fujita glasses store of Sapporo which I had been indebted to them very much while working in the eyewear maker before.
In there, the same generation people took the lead and it gave the stimulus to me by showing the attitude of making every
endeavorto promote their business.
This time, They hoped to have a deal with our brand.
You can find our products In Sapporo, Marui Imai Ichijyoma on level 5 [M’s room eyewear]
There are the other 2 stores in Sapporo. Both atmosphere and people are great.
Please drop in, when you are close to.
札幌市中央区南1条西2丁目 丸井今井一条館5F
TEL/FAX 011-205-1484
OPEN AM10:00〜PM8:00
BLOG : http://ameblo.jp/art-fujita/ ←☆
jet design team